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How to Fix a Squeaky Door? (2023)

A squeaky door can be a nuisance, disrupting the peace and quiet in your home and potentially even waking up sleeping family members. If you have a squeaky door, don’t worry – there are several steps you can take to fix it and get your door back to functioning smoothly. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the various steps you can take to identify and fix the source of a squeaky door, so you can enjoy a peaceful home once again.

Step 1: Identify the source of the squeak

To fix a squeaky door, you need to first determine what is causing the door to squeak. There could be a number of possible causes, such as loose hinges, dry or worn out door joints, or debris stuck in the door or door frame.

If the door squeaks when it is opened or closed, it could be due to a problem with the hinges. Hinges allow the door to pivot and move smoothly, but if they are loose or worn out, they can cause the door to squeak. To check the hinges, open and close the door and listen for any unusual noises. If you hear a squeak when the door is moving, it is likely caused by a problem with the hinges.

If the door squeaks when it is stationary, it could be due to a problem with the door joints. Door joints are the points where the door meets the door frame, and if they are dry or worn out, they can cause the door to squeak when it is not moving. To check the door joints, stand in front of the door and push on it gently to see if it squeaks. If it does, the door joints may be the source of the problem.

Debris can also cause a door to squeak. If there is dirt, dust, or other debris stuck in the door or door frame, it can interfere with the smooth movement of the door and cause it to squeak. To check for debris, inspect the door and door frame for any visible dirt or debris.

Step 2: Locate the hinges

If the source of the squeak is a loose hinge, you will need to locate the hinges on the door. The hinges are typically located on the side of the door that faces the door frame. There may be one, two, or three hinges depending on the size and weight of the door.

Step 3: Tighten the screws

Once you have located the hinges, check the screws that hold the hinges to the door and door frame. If the screws are loose, tighten them using a screwdriver. If the screws are stripped or damaged, you may need to replace them with new screws.

To tighten the screws, first locate the screws on the hinges. They will be located on the back side of the hinges, near the door and door frame. Use a screwdriver to gently turn the screws clockwise until they are tightened. Be careful not to overtighten the screws, as this can strip the screw holes and cause further problems.

If the screws are stripped or damaged, you will need to replace them with new screws. To do this, first remove the old screws using a screwdriver. Then, obtain new screws that are the same size and type as the old ones. You can purchase new screws at a hardware store or online. Once you have the new screws, insert them into the screw holes and tighten them using a screwdriver.

Step 4: Lubricate the hinges

If tightening the screws does not fix the squeak, try lubricating the hinges. You can use a silicone-based lubricant, such as a silicone spray or a silicone-based grease, to reduce friction and smooth out the movement of the hinges.

To lubricate the hinges, first clean the hinges with a dry cloth to remove any dirt or debris. Then, apply a small amount of lubricant to the hinges, being careful not to get any lubricant on the door or door frame. Use a dry cloth to wipe away any excess lubricant.

There are a few different types of lubricants you can use to fix a squeaky door. Silicone-based lubricants, such as silicone sprays or silicone-based greases, are a popular choice because they are easy to apply and do not attract dirt or debris. They are also resistant to water and temperature changes, so they can provide long-lasting lubrication.

Graphite-based lubricants are another option for fixing a squeaky door. These lubricants are made from fine particles of graphite, which are a natural lubricant. They are effective at reducing friction and can be used on a variety of surfaces, including metal, plastic, and rubber. However, they can be messy to apply and may leave a black residue, so they may not be the best choice for all situations.

Step 5: Check the door joints

If the door joints are dry or worn out, they may be causing the door to squeak. To fix this, you can try applying a lubricant, such as a graphite-based lubricant, to the door joints. You can also try tightening or adjusting the door strike plate, which is the metal plate on the door frame that the door latch engages with when the door is closed.

To lubricate the door joints, apply a small amount of lubricant to the door joints using a dry cloth or a cotton swab. Be careful not to get any lubricant on the door or door frame. If the door joints are still squeaky after lubricating them, you may need to tighten or adjust the door strike plate.

To adjust the door strike plate, locate the plate on the door frame. It will be located near the latch and will be held in place by screws. If the plate is loose, tighten the screws using a screwdriver. If the plate is not aligned with the latch, you may need to loosen the screws and adjust the plate until it is properly aligned.

Step 6: Remove debris

If debris, such as dirt or debris, is stuck in the door or door frame, it can cause the door to squeak when it is opened or closed. To fix this, you can try cleaning out the door and door frame and removing any debris that may be causing the squeak.

To remove debris, first inspect the door and door frame for any visible dirt or debris. Use a dry cloth or a small brush to remove any dirt or debris that you find. If the debris is difficult to remove, you may need to use a vacuum or compressed air to get it out.

Step 7: Adjust the door

If none of the above steps fix the squeak, you may need to adjust the door itself. This could involve shimming the door to make it fit more snugly in the door frame, or trimming the door to make it fit better.

To shim the door, locate the gap between the door and door frame. If the gap is too large, you can insert shims into the gap to make the door fit more snugly. Shims are thin strips of wood or plastic that can be placed between the door and door frame to fill in any gaps or unevenness. They are available at hardware stores and online, and they are easy to install. To shim the door, simply insert the shims into the gap between the door and door frame until the door fits snugly.

To trim the door, you can use a saw or a plane to remove a small amount of material from the edge of the door. This can be useful if the door is rubbing against the door frame or if it is difficult to close or open. To trim the door, first measure the gap between the door and door frame to determine how much material needs to be removed. Then, use a saw or a plane to carefully remove the necessary material from the edge of the door. Be sure to wear protective gear, such as safety glasses and earplugs, when using power tools.


Fixing a squeaky door is a relatively simple task that can be accomplished with a few basic tools and some elbow grease. Whether the problem is a loose hinge, dry door joints, or debris stuck in the door or door frame, there are several steps you can take to fix the issue and get your door back to functioning smoothly. With a little patience and persistence, you can fix a squeaky door and enjoy a peaceful home once again.

If you follow the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you should be able to fix a squeaky door with ease. However, if you are having trouble identifying or fixing the source of the squeak, or if you are unsure of how to complete any of the steps, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a professional. A skilled handyman or carpenter should be able to quickly and effectively fix a squeaky door, ensuring that it functions smoothly and quietly for years to come. So, it is always better to get the help of a professional if you are not confident about fixing the squeaky door on your own.